Connect to your soul’s inner compass

to guide you to your purpose

and the life God intended.

I help those who have experienced disappointment, heartache, pain, and fear live a life of love, awareness, and peace.

As an older single adult who has gone through divorces, internet dating, and looking for love and acceptance in the revolving door of dating disappointments, I help both men and women find their self-worth and self-love to attract healthier relationships. 

As a certified life coach, I help you heal from past relationship pain and trauma and teach about attachment style and how to have secure attachments. 

If you are reading this and you are looking for direction to live a healthier, happier life, you are in the right place.

I am a Certified Adult Chair® coach helping those who have experienced disappointment, heartache, pain, and fear learn how to live a life of love, awareness and peace. Through inner child work, finding self-love, and learning boundaries I have reinvented myself. Working daily to be a healthy adult with full awareness of my truth and value. 

Are you ready to reinvent yourself and live your life with love, awareness and peace as a healthy adult? Let me teach you the tools to live the life that God intended you to live.

The Adult Chair

As a Certified Adult Chair® Coach, I guide you using a proven method of healing called The Adult Chair®. My goal is to help you find your own inner wisdom and become the healthiest, most authentic version of yourself by using the tools in this model. 

The Adult Chair® is a manual for your life. It’s a tool that helps you feel empowered, confident, and equipped with a clear roadmap to your healthiest, most authentic self. Through The Adult Chair®, you will understand how your life experiences have shaped you, give a voice to the different parts of who you are, gain greater self-awareness, and respond to life in a healthy way.

For over 20 years, I sought change to better my life after my devastating marriages and divorces. After years of feeling lost and believing I had failed at everything in life, I found The Adult Chair podcast, which helped me find healing from past pain and trauma. The Adult Chair taught me the tools to transform my life to a life of peace and freedom, value and awareness, guiding me to my healthiest, truest version of who I was meant to be.  If you want to find your truest self and begin your journey to become a healthier adult, The Adult Chair can be your guide to your own transformation. I  know because it saved my life.

Work With Me

Are you ready to find your inner compass and navigate toward the life you want and deserve? 

One on one coaching | Online and local, in-person sessions.

Age has many beautiful gifts. Two of which we could live without, pride and resentment. We hold on to these when we have conflicts with others.

The loving, free-spirit of our inner child is our true nature. - Unknown

Do you feel lost and unable to navigate through your pain, disappointment, and trauma?

Are you ready to reinvent yourself to live your life with love, awareness, and peace as a healthy adult? Let me teach you the tools to live the life that God intended you to live.

Let’s chat to see if it’s right for you.